Dormitory – Freeda Dym Residence Hall

sem building 3

Dormitory features:
Beautiful bedrooms, 2-3 girl occupancy
State of the art gym and fitness center
4 Bathrooms per floor
2 large living room/lounge areas per floor
Farbrengen hall
Meat and Dairy kitchens
Deluxe Dinning room

The Residence Hall features a newly renovated four storey dormitory building and back garden where the students can relax outside and enjoy the picnic area. The dormitory is a short walk from the Seminary building. And is conventiently situated in the heart of the Montreal Lubavitch Community. This is a great benefit to the girls as they are welcomed by the warmth of the Montreal Anash.

Our state of the art dormitory provides a living experience that will help our students focus on their education and grow together in a Chassidishe atmosphere. Three delicious and nutritious meals are provided daily for the girls in the deluxe dinning room of the dormitory.

Two Dormitory Councilors and “Dormitory Parents” are on site to organize a multitude of after-school activities and farbrengens which makes for a wholesome Seminary experience.

